Protect Our Democracy
“Good government should be a tool that helps where it can and gets out of the way when it should. It must work for everyone, protect our investments, and defend the civil rights of all.”
— Stacey Abrams
The Issue
At the very core of our nation lies a sacred promise: a government of the people, by the people, for the people. As we journey forward, we must ensure our democratic institutions remain robust, transparent, and genuinely representative of all Americans. The strength of our democracy hinges upon active and informed participation. Together, we will ensure that our democratic processes and institutions remain both a beacon and a testament to the unwavering spirit of the American people.
What I’ve Done So Far
Simply talking about equity, inclusion, and diversity is not enough. We must take concrete action to instill these values into our democracy. As a legislator, I have championed governance reforms that increase representation, enhance transparency, and prioritize public input. We need democratic institutions that are inclusive by design at every level. That's why I have fought to shine a light on the appointment process for high-level positions. Just as Montgomery County residents have counted on me to fight for local reforms, you can also count on me to advocate for critical reforms at the federal level.
What I Will Do in the Senate
The filibuster is an outdated and draconian rule that prevents debate on critical issues and allows a sole senator to block meaningful legislation from consideration. There is ample precedent for reforming it, and I will vote to see it removed entirely. Its history is mired with the stains of racism, and to this day, it is utilized by far-right Republicans to block legislation that would work to support marginalized communities across the country. We cannot allow the loud voices of the minority to stop progress in this country, and the filibuster continues to do just that.
The Supreme Court isn't just a part of our judicial system—it's meant to be the highest law in our land. But the current Court has sided with corporate interests against workers, undermined voting rights, overturned Roe v Wade, and protected systems that perpetuate inequities. To restore balance, we must urgently consider specific reforms: clear ethical standards, term limits for Justices, and expanding the number of seats. Our democracy deserves a Court that serves the people, not just the powerful.
This law, introduced as part of the Democrats’ Democracy Agenda, would be an essential tool in reigning in abuses of executive power in the wake of Trump’s presidency and bolstering the guardrails our system has in place for unchecked executive power. The president is not a king, and we must ensure that they cannot attack our democracy as Trump did ever again.
As we saw from the aftermath of the 2016 election, we have entered a new era in which foreign actors seek to undermine the American democratic process by pumping out propaganda online, exacerbating divides, and supporting candidates in alignment with their interests. In the Senate, I will support legislation that seeks to weaken the power of foreign actors to influence our elections.