Shape a Just Economy
The Issue
A just economy for all is more than policies and numbers—it's about values, about creating a nation where everyone, no matter their background, can write their own American story. With so much wealth in this country, economic justice must be a moral imperative. Together, we can shape an economy that truly reflects the best of what we can be.
What I’ve Done So Far
I've fought to advance economic justice at every turn. I've sponsored successful legislation to greatly expand our county's prevailing wage law and to mandate local hiring for government-financed construction projects. This ensures we're creating more middle-class jobs, fostering apprenticeship programs for our youth, and broadening opportunities for our residents. I've consistently fought for justice in our tax code, being an outspoken advocate at our state's capital for middle-class tax relief, and I've fought against tax breaks for developers. You can count on me to fight for an economy and tax code that benefits everyone, not just the wealthy few.
What I Will Do in the Senate
Championing the fundamental rights of workers, I will support any legislation that works to strengthen American unions and fortifies the crucial pillar of collective bargaining. By pursuing policies that protect workers from anti-union discrimination and bolster the efficacy of negotiation procedures, we can empower employees to defend their rights and shape fair labor practices.
For too long, our tax system has disproportionately benefited the wealthiest few, while working-class families bear the brunt. The time has come to institute tax reforms that ensure the wealthy pay their fair share. An equitable tax system isn't about punishing success; it's about funding essential services, reducing income inequality, and ensuring every American has a shot at success. By closing loopholes, instituting a progressive tax rate, and holding corporations accountable, we can build a fiscal foundation that supports everyone, not just those at the top.
Our communities flourish when we invest in them. Rather than sending our hard-earned dollars to overseas companies, we must prioritize funding our local businesses, schools, and infrastructure. Every dollar invested here at home is a step towards building a resilient community.