Creating Prosperity for All
"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."
— former President Franklin D. Roosevelt
The Issue
The myth that some of us must struggle for others to succeed has persisted for too long in America. This "Big Lie" hides the truth that our nation will never prosper until we all prosper. When everyone has the opportunity, anti-social behaviors decline, and our communities become safer. Shared prosperity means less strain on expensive taxpayer-funded programs, making it not just a moral choice but a fiscally sound one. As a progressive, I believe that shared success benefits us all.
What I’ve Done So Far
In my capacity on the County Council, I helped pass legislation that created MoCo Boost, a pilot guaranteed income program – one of the first in the nation. We provided $800 a month to 300 households through a public-private partnership — the results have been transformative, for the families, our community, and the next generation of children being lifted out of poverty.
What I Will Do in the Senate
We need to consistently channel resources into research, technology, and innovation while guaranteeing that underrepresented communities also share in the gains. This is the key to keeping the United States ahead in an ever more competitive global market.
We must elevate the foundation and create a lasting, durable safety net for the essential living conditions of all people. To foster a more robust and fair economy that benefits all, we must reconstruct, broaden, and fortify America’s social safety net. This includes enhancing the inclusivity, services, and adaptability in terms of eligibility, accessibility, and utilization of our current system.
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the fragility of our economic system. Momentary unexpected crises upended the entire country when people could not work. Research indicates that "57% of Americans can’t afford a $1,000 emergency expense." We must act to ensure that no one in this country can be financially ruined by a surprise emergency expense.
The stimulus checks passed by Congress during the pandemic were a transformational act of economic action from the federal government. It demonstrated the power and popularity of guaranteed income. We need to relieve the pressure on American families — we need to work towards a national permanent universal guaranteed income.
Universal Guaranteed Income is a policy that would create a minimum financial safety net for every American to address their basic needs. I will introduce legislation to create a program for a national, universal guaranteed income. Working with leaders like Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman’s Guaranteed Income Pilot Program Act of 2021, I would work to expand and move legislation forward in the Senate. The immense benefits of guaranteed income would relieve pressure on families and innovators, entrepreneurs, and older Americans.
Every American deserves the opportunity to make a living. When elected to the Senate, I will support legislation that raises the federal minimum wage to at least $17. It has been fourteen years since the Federal minimum wage was raised. Raising the wage to $17 per hour would benefit over 28 million workers and lift more than a million people out of poverty. We must reckon with rising economic inequality in this nation, and creating more good-paying, high-quality jobs with a national minimum wage will help us create a more just and prosperous society for all.
I will support legislative efforts to reinstate the Child Tax Credit (CTC). According to Megan Curran, policy director at the Columbia University Center on Poverty and Social Policy, the American Rescue Plan’s "monthly child tax credit payments have, in effect, by the end of their six months, reduced child poverty in the U.S. by about 30%." Unfortunately, Congress failed to renew the CTC as they came to their expiration, leaving countless families behind. We must bring back the CTC and end childhood poverty in America.
Establishing a robust and stable middle class is essential as the cornerstone for economic growth, ensuring that the benefits of growth are accessible to all Americans. The three pillars of Bidenomics — making smart investments in America, empowering workers, and promoting competition to lower costs and help small business has had a transformational effect on creating new industries and supporting small and medium business, but more must be done.
Enhancing the influence of workers and fostering economic mobility necessitates increasing the wages of working people and elevating income levels. We must work to eliminate poverty for working people, support unionized workers, and bolster the bargaining capacity of workers. We must recommit to providing the skills and training necessary to build workforces to withstand the shocks and challenges of the 21st Century and establish avenues for economic advancement that are accessible to everyone.
A renewed social agreement with businesses encompasses a regulatory framework aimed at establishing greater harmony between investors, corporations, and the broader public good, particularly in areas of paramount importance like climate action, workers’ rights, and equity.
Positioning the FBI Headquarters in Prince George's County is a practical and strategic choice that aligns with Maryland's goals. This move would offer significant economic benefits to Prince George's and nearby regions. In line with President Biden's Executive Order on promoting equity, placing the headquarters here addresses past disparities in federal investments and provides a boost to an area with historically lower median incomes. It's a logical step that showcases our commitment to balanced growth and opportunity throughout Maryland. As your U.S. Senator, I will do everything I can to secure the placement of the FBI Headquarters in Prince George’s County.